Thursday, August 27, 2020

From Teacher To Facilitator Education Essay

As clasp base on balls by numerous definitions have changed. In the instructive scene a significant capacity modification has happened. An educator has been changed to facilitator. As our juvenile coevals is truly shrewd there is no interest to learn them. Our significant capacity is to ‘facilitate ‘ them to cruise great around the universe, to procure alongside the individuals and comprehend the builds. As the educator readiness foundations are hesitating in transfiguring the teacher into facilitator the obligations are with the schools to build up their educators and to adjust the teachers as to efficacious educators or facilitators. ‘The educator is non an instructor or undertaking †Masterss ; he/she is an associate and an attendant. His/her anxiety is to propose and non to implement. He does non truly build up the understudies head, he simply tells him the best way to sharpen his instruments of cognizance and help and energizes him in the system ‘ . Sri Aurobindo.EXPECTED QUALITIES OF A TEACHER:A educator should play a unique capacity in developing a feeling of International misgiving. It is very conceivable in schools as it is said that the youthful bamboo can simple be bound and determined. For which an educator must hold the undermentioned expert moral qualities to go a viable teacher. Readiness and expert developing ; An educator must keep a loosened head towards instructive speculations and strategies for learning and so forth. He/she should try to clean and better his/her technique for guidance, rating and cooperation and so on. This can be accomplished by take separating inconsistently In administration programs. Relationship with understudies ; A moral educator must hold an only relationship with the students. He/she should cover the understudies in a feeling of thoughtfulness and popular government. Any otherworldly, political or other private convictions ought to non be forced on understudies. The educators ought to secure the privileges of understudies. Relationship with guardians and network ; Educators should keep a friendly relationship with the guardians and network. Aside from go toing school duties an educator can take partition in any action which is for the improvement of the network. They ought to non go to any of the exercises which would hurt their guidance productivity. Connection among teachers and school functionaries ; It ought to be truly co mystery specialist, non to take any unjustifiable or undue favorable circumstances of one ‘s open spot. They ought to non experience any ominous comments on any of their associates especially in their absence.CODE OF CONDUCT:Every calling has its ain codification of conduct to be trailed by the practicians. They are checked by a few expert associations to protect the sense of pride of the calling, similar to Bar committee for Lawyers and Medical board for doctors. In any case, there is no such expert natural structure to regulate the codification of conduct of educators. Similarly great as now a yearss there are a few issues uncovered by the Medias in such a way, that the full field of this calling gets hostile to cultural. This makes an unbarred inclination among the educators which influences their proficiency a bunch. Along these lines, this is the obligation of the school bearings to take consideration of this and to gracefully solace and strict help to the educators to get maximal instructing efficiency.ROLE Model:‘Be the modification what you need ‘ as the expressions of Mahatma the teacher 1 who needs to build the qualities in the juvenile leaders of his/her understudies must have their ain individual qualities like ; Effortlessness, Punctuality, Acting without bias, Being obligation witting, Maintaining etymological correspondence and gown codification, Helping the hapless and down and out and so forth. Fitting to Hawkins, ‘the mind is non contained inside the natural structure however outside, in the performance center of committednesss. The connections one structures with people around them, decide the character and character of a man ‘ . Along these lines, the educator guidance foundations must take up the obligation to ingrain the above qualities added to their course of study. At the point when a facilitator is sort, emphathetic and offers significance to human qualities. He himself turns into a capacity hypothetical record. There is no interest to ‘preach ‘ or ‘teach ‘ . He turns into the ‘pied flute player ‘ who baits off students with his charmed cognition.Class ROOM MANAGEMENT:‘Education is non make fulling a bucket yet illuming a fire ‘ W.B.Yeats. Examination has given us that educators ‘ activities in their class suites have double the effect on their students ‘ achievements as do school approaches sing course of study, evaluation, staff congenialness and network commitment. The teachers ought to have the option to identify with students, comprehend their universe and hear them out. They ought to be sure, chosen and clear in the way they speak with pupils.Principles OF Teaching:Harmonizing to Sri Aurobindo the principles of learning are, ‘The first principle of genuine guidance is that nil can be educated. The second principle is that the head must be counseled in its developing. The third guideline is to work from the near the far ; from that which is, to that which will be ‘ . Any teacher who adheres to these standards can be a useful instructor.BEST PRACTICES FOR TEACHING, LEARNING IMPROVEMENT:Each kid is separated from everyone else. Instructing the entire child is the interest of the hr. Powerful teacher will do a life changing contrast for understudies, fit in with strong example and essential models. In USA, it was abdominal muscle initio concentrated on the work of ‘highly qualified ‘ teachers, and more current idea has moved up to ‘highly viable ‘ educators as no child ought to be abandoned. The National Development Council of India in 2001 included this as one of the measures for the expert advancement which will better the procurement of understudies that each Teacher Training Institution should Concentrate on quality picking up including content discernment and showing strategy for staff improvement. An educator may have all the proper substance and educational foundation and be to the full authorized or guaranteed to learn, however in world, may non be one whose makings have any kind of effect in the schoolroom. At the end of the day, being incredibly qualified does non needfully mean that a teacher is amazingly strong in facilitating understudy larning. An adequate teacher is the 1 who can do kids comprehend the build, larn it and put to death it. A strong facilitator does non bewilder on the understudies encephalon with unnecessarily much data like a proficient cook includes only the vital total of salt ( data ) to do the soup ( surveies ) delectable. Actually, late examination declares that the teacher is the greater part of import factor affecting obtaining. The teacher is a greater amount of import than family foundation or condition, and, schoolroom assets or engineering.Teachers AS Facilitator:The Research Report at 7 significant US Universities introduced by Seymons and Hewitt ( 1977 ) depicts the undermentioned as necessities for learning effectivity. All the schools can tail them for the school improvement and along these lines the national turn of events. A strategy for estimating efficacious guidance by overseeing the students whether they are effectively drawn in, concentrating and connecting, express joying, completing endeavors and expecting what comes following. The educator ought to be knowing, excited, open and lovingness. The educator should give helpful input and supports less capable understudies, using a wide variety of learning strategies. The teacher should be mindful danger taker and ready to present. The teacher ought to value the inventiveness of the understudies and advance their idea ‘outside the container ‘ . The educator ought to advance the oppugning disposition of the understudies. The point of convergence in the schoolroom is on the best way to larn rather than what to larn. The achievements of basic idea ought to be intentionally thought rather than inquisitive the students to look into. At long last, the educator should help the understudies to design the accomplishments.Sri Seshaas Teachers as Facilitators:We about follow all the stairss. In our school we give a dread free tutoring and the specific CCE ( continuous and complete rating ) is done. There is no fixed day of the long stretch of test and strained quality to the understudies thus they make the most of their remain and procurement in the school. The most vital norms for the task of educators of our school is their disposition towards the children and their calling and non their figure of evaluations they have. We have 10 % hold in permission for the specific children. We do n't name them as less capable however specific. A crew of our educators under the main of our guide analyst works troublesome as mindful peril takers. We name it ‘Punyabhadra ‘ . The understudies are empowered in making their ain contemplations rather than taking care of them with our own. At whatever point they take partition in the outside rivalries like logical order display and so on. We do n't inconvenience oneself about the result yet the understudies ‘ ain musings and dynamic commitment are given significance. This opportunity made them even at NASA Space School Learning Center to win with their light hypothetical records of Rocket and Rover. We receive idiscoveri methodological examination in which learning †obtaining is kid focused. Our educators ‘ occupation is to answer the understudies ‘ requests and non simply to finish the figure of subjects. Each twenty-four hours forenoon get together is assumed responsibility by the students. Pretty much every understudy is allowed a chance to take partition in it. It gives them a pride, urges them to take obligations. As they give the thought for

Saturday, August 22, 2020

About indentifying the most significant issues facing cities in the Essay

About indentifying the most huge issues confronting urban areas in the 21st century and examine some potential arrangements .. 600 word - Essay Example A portion of the significant reasons for air contamination incorporate non-renewable energy sources from power-creating stations, plants, arrival of hydrocarbons from oil processing plants, radioactive aftermath, pesticides and bug sprays, and mining activities. Pimentel states, â€Å"Air contamination from smoke and different synthetic concoctions slaughters 3 million individuals a year†. A portion of the impacts of air contamination on heath incorporate eyes and throat contaminations, pneumonia, heart maladies, lung malignancy, and skin issues. Air contamination can be decreased utilizing some powerful ways. A portion of those ways incorporate utilizing electric warmers rather than coal radiators, utilizing sun based vehicles rather than fuel-controlled vehicles, and shutting the entryways for practically 30 minutes subsequent to utilizing pesticides and bug sprays. Water contamination is another kind of ecological contamination that causes unfavorable consequences for the soundness of people, plants, and creatures if not treated appropriately. A portion of the significant wellsprings of water contamination incorporate modern waste, inorganic substances like concoction squander, water stockpiling tanks, and unsafe waste locales. On the off chance that the concerned specialists take no legitimate sanitation measures, water pollution can put unfavorable impacts on the strength of marine and human life. A portion of the consequences for people incorporate various types of bacterial, viral, and protozoal diseases. A few ailments like typhoid, paratyphoid fever, Cholera, dental conveys, and hepatitis are firmly connected with water contamination. Water contamination can be dealt with utilizing numerous ways. A portion of those ways incorporate making mindfulness among individuals in regards to hurts related with water contamination and creating appropriate sterile frameworks. Soil contamination is the third sort of natural contamination, which causes unfavorable consequences for the soundness of living animals. One of the significant wellsprings of soil contamination is the substance forms, which are utilized to take out the minerals

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Mission Admission Finish Your Recommendations on Time

Blog Archive Mission Admission Finish Your Recommendations on Time Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. As Round 2 application deadlines approach, many candidates find themselves immersed in stressâ€"busy juggling multiple essays and revising their resume. Often in the midst of all this, an alarming question suddenly springs to mind: “What if my supervisors do not get their letters done by the deadline?” In our opinion, the easiest way to ensure that your recommenders complete their letters on time is to present them with your  own  deadlineâ€"one that is a bit  earlier  than the school’sâ€"when you first ask them to provide a recommendation for you. If the application to your school of choice is due on January 15, for example, tell your recommenders that you are submitting on January 8. Incidentally, submitting your application early can be good for your sanity as well. By setting this advanced deadline, you can put some additional pressure on your recommender on the 8th if he/she has not yet finished the letter, so you should still be able to submit by the school’s official  deadline. Most people work to deadlines. Alleviate unnecessary stress by setting your recommenders’ deadlines one week early, and “enjoy” the application process a little bit more. For more information on properly selecting, communicating with, and managing your recommenders, check out our Letters of Recommendation Guide. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission Blog Archive Mission Admission Finish Your Recommendations on Time Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. As Round 2 application deadlines approach, many candidates find themselves immersed in stressâ€"busy juggling multiple essays and revising their resume. Often in the midst of all this, an alarming question suddenly springs to mind: “What if my supervisors do not get their letters done by the deadline?” In our opinion, the easiest way to ensure that your recommenders complete their letters on time is to present them with your  own  deadlineâ€"one that is a bit  earlier  than the school’sâ€"when you first ask them to provide a recommendation for you. If the application to your school of choice is due on January 15, for example, tell your recommenders that you are submitting on January 8. Incidentally, submitting your application early can be good for your sanity as well. By setting this advanced deadline, you can put some additional pressure on your recommender on the 8th if he/she has not yet finished the letter, so you should still be able to submit by the school’s official  deadline. Most people work to deadlines. Alleviate unnecessary stress by setting your recommenders’ deadlines one week early, and “enjoy” the application process a little bit more. For more information on properly selecting, communicating with, and managing your recommenders, check out our Letters of Recommendation Guide. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission

Monday, May 25, 2020

Cyber Security And Technology Detection System - 922 Words

If a collection of technologies designed to form a tool to safeguard computers, data and networks from unauthorized access or attacks, then this tool can be named as cyber security. To guarantee the safety of a system a tool should be able to detect an anomaly or intrusion. Thus this tool set consist of at least an Intrusion detection system. The system tries to prevent intrusion by having firewalls and tries to eliminate the damage done by the use of antivirus. Attacks can be classified as â€Å"known attacks† or â€Å"anomaly based†. Some attacks have signature similar to previous attacks others are novel and may have no common signature. To deal with such variation different techniques are incorporated. Thus, we can say IDS (intrusion detection system) can be classified into 2 main categories. One that uses the signature of previous attacks to estimate or detect intrusion other that checks for anomalies. Both have their limitations and advantages. Biggest limitation of anomaly system is false reports. Thus a third type of system also exists, Hybrid, which uses both the previous two to detect Intrusions. The paper is intended for beginner and focuses on ML/DM techniques for cyber security. The main characteristic that separates this paper from other survey papers is that it covers most popular techniques based on citation count and also most emerging techniques based on publish dates. Also it compares those techniques and as we all know different problems have different optimumShow MoreRelatedTop Three Trends in your profession and associated industry Annotated Bibliography1499 Words   |  6 PagesThe top three trends in the Cyber Security field are salary, career advancement, and the need for predictions of the future in how information is exchanged. Cyber-crimes are becoming more popular and because of the many attacks that are happening much more frequently it has caused for a higher demand in cyber security professionals. 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More than a dozen utilities reported â€Å"daily, constant, or frequent attempted cyber-attacks† (Markey Waxman) with one utility reporting that they have about 10,000 attempted attacksRead MoreEssay On Automatic Detection Of Cyber-Recruitment By Violent Extremists1363 Words   |  6 PagesAutomatic detection of cyber-recruitment by violent extremists Introduction The main objective of this research is to present data and analytic methods for automatically identifying the recruitment activities of violent groups within extremist social media websites like face book, twitter, what sup and so on. There is no doubt that in today’s modern era the use of information and computer technology (internet) is rapidly increasing. Due to the unregulated nature of Internet Communication cyber communitiesRead MoreAnalysis Of Cloud Computing And Cyber Security1695 Words   |  7 Pages CLOUD COMPUTING AND NETWORK SECURITY ISSUES(Z5140305) Executive Summary In this fast-paced technology era, organizations are always looking for new innovative ways to increase productivity and efficiency. One emerging technology adopted by many organisations is cloud computing. Cloud computing is a model that uses internet and remote servers for maintaining data and applications (Association of Modern Technologies Professionals 2017). It replaces expensive infrastructure and need of maintenanceRead MoreCyber Surveillance And Cyber Security Monitoring1021 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Cyber analytics is a branch of analytics that systematically provides the analysis of the data pertaining to the domain of computers and network. It basically, tells the story behind cyber data. Cyber analytics is used to support computer security, computer or network administration, auditing, and several other application areas.† Implementation Cyber Security Monitoring To perform adaptive cyber-security analytics using a computer implemented method that includes receiving a report on a network

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nelly Dean Character Analysis - 1255 Words

Through the narration by Nelly Dean as she speaks to Lockwood about Catherine Earnshaw’s story, it may not always be reliable information the readers are receiving based on opinions and judgments Nelly has already made about the people being spoken about. Nelly’s opinions of certain people blind her ability to speak about them truthfully in all aspects, like, for instance, how she spoke negatively about Catherine in some sections of the story. Mrs. Dean had a bias towards what boy Catherine would end up with in a small way, she always leaned towards Edgar rather than Heathcliff due to their stark differences in the way they were raised. Another reason as to why us as readers can never assume that all aspects of the story are true is†¦show more content†¦Given that no one ever chimed in to Mrs. Dean’s version of the story makes the reader wonder if everything said could all be true. Lockwood has no reason to not believe Nelly Dean so he does not question anything or try to pry further into whatever is being told to him even though everything maybe just be a mere opinion or how Nelly interpreted something. Mrs. Nelly Dean seemed to not think very highly of Catherine any circumstance. Nelly would never come right out and say something blatantly mean about Catherine but there were always underlying disparagement of her actions. An example of Mrs. Deans disdain of Catherine is through her thoughts about Catherine’s different love affairs and actions. She never agreed with the way she strung the two poor boys along and how she could be so self absorbed through it all. When Nelly said, â€Å" Loving!’ cried I, as scornfully as I could utter the word! ‘Loving!’ Did anybody ever hear the like! I might just as well talk of loving the miller who comes once a year to buy our corn. Pretty Loving, indeed! And both times together you have seen Linton hardly four times in your life! Now here is the babyish trash. I’m going with it to the library; and we’ll see what your father says to such loving.† (Ch.21). With all of Nelly’s disagreements with and about Catherine she always chose to be very harsh on her in manyShow MoreRelatedWuthering Heights Gothic Analysis1048 Words   |  5 Pagesthe final analysis—merely a Gothic novel’(Oda 1). Therefore, I would say that it is Realistic Fiction rather than Gothic. The places, Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights, people and events may be real, and the gothic elements within this story just give the novel another perspective which was innovative in that age. Moreover, the choice of words in the dialogue between the characters within this extract and the dialogue itself are very vivid and realist which makes the characters seem genuineRead MoreThe Depth of Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights884 Words   |  4 Pagesreader the frame narrative, in Wuthering Heights. Nelly Dean will provide the reader with a central narrative. The reader also receives information through Cathy Earnshaw’s diaries, and Isabella provides letters. The reader can finish with Heathcliff ’s narrative. In Game of Thrones, our modern day novel, follows these same lines of changing narrators. Each chapter contains one of the important character’s narrative. Arya is an important character in Game of Thrones, she has a chapter of her pointRead MoreEssay on The Depth of Emely Brontes Wuthering Heights1345 Words   |  6 Pagesgive the reader the frame narrative, in Wuthering Heights. Nelly Dean will provide the reader with a central narrative. The reader also receives information through Cathy Earnshaw’s diaries, and Isabella provides letters. The reader can finish with Heathcliff’s narrative. Game of Thrones follows these same technique of changing narrators. Each chapter contains one of the important character’s point of view. Arya is an important young character in Game of Thrones, she narrates chapters throughout theRead MoreEmily Brontes Wuthering Heights: Mental Illness and Feminism1663 Words   |  7 Pagespower hungry during th is portion of time (Kirschen 1). This allowed literature to create allegorical themes that represented society during this era of literature (Roth 3). Much like the characters in Wuthering Heights, people felt a great deal of social responsibility during the Victorian Era. The characters really concentrated on what was socially acceptable (Roth 2). Social climbing was very popular during the Victorian Era and was very evident in literature. People developed superficial attitudesRead MoreLove In Wuthering Heights Essay1261 Words   |  6 PagesEdgar Linton in the hopes of saving Heathcliff from Hindley and protecting him from the eyes of society. In her conversation with Nelly, Cathy who professed her love for Heathcliff quoted â€Å"My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliffs miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself.† Catherine proved Nelly Dean that the only person who can make her feel pain and sorrow is Heathcliff. The extent of her love was uncovered when she sang her praiseRead MoreEssay about Nelly in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights2304 Words   |   10 PagesNelly in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights In a novel where everything is turned upside down and every character plays a role they probably shouldn’t, Nelly Dean’s role is the most ambiguous. As both Lockwood’s and the reader’s narrator, Nelly plays the role of the storyteller. Yet at the same time, Nelly is also a character in the story that she tells, occupying a vast array of roles. As a character within her own tale, Nelly attempts to manipulate the actions of her fellow characters. TheRead MoreEmily Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Personal Influence on Wuthering Heights1820 Words   |  8 Pagesoften taken into consideration when determining the value of a literary work. However, they offer more than just layers of complexity to a work. Brontà « uses countless metaphors to portray relevance to her own life. The ongoing comparison between the characters in Wuthering Heights and Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s own life only exemplifies how often authors use their works to reflect their lives. The never-ending question pertaining to Emily Brontà « is â€Å"how can such a sheltered child write such scandalous stories?† (TheRead MoreThe Importance Of Society And Class In Wuthering Heights1613 Words   |  7 PagesEmily Brontà « uses her novel Wuthering Heights to showcase how the constraints of one’s class, while only enforced by will, can take control over one’s autonomy and desires. Brontà « accomplishes this in her depiction of the characters Catherine Earnshaw Linton and Heathcliff. Catherine begins the novel as a tomboyish girl, with no intentions of becoming a â€Å"lady† as defined by the society of her time. She only begins to want to conform to feminine roles when she is introduced to the expectations ofRead MoreThe Relation of Evil and Love in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte1964 Words   |  8 Pagesand dear to them. That is what Brontes novel shows us and reminds us about this kind of powerful, romantic love. It does not get out of control in the case of these two lovers, and becomes evil. Heathcliff is shown to be a dark and even hateful character the moment we meet him on the first two pages of the book. Lockwood sees himself as a kind of kin to Heathcliff, and sees the region as a fit for heir dark personalities. A perfect misanthropists Heaven--- and Mr. Heathcliff and I are such aRead MoreThe Obsessive Nature Of The Love Felt By Othello, By William Shakespeare2617 Words   |  11 Pagescentury England. Assumingly, Bronte intentionally conveys Heathcliff as a character that is supposed to be disliked by others; especially by the more unpleasant characters, such as Edgar Linton. It is questionable whether this is because Heathcliff originates from a different class and culture. Both texts share similarities in the sense that their love stories are strongly disapproved by characters such as Brabantio in Othello and Nelly in Wuthering Heights as they struggle to overcome the differences in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparison of Poetry Essay - 967 Words

A Comparison of Poetry In this essay two poems will be juxtaposed. One of the poems is called My parents kept me from children who were rough. This poem was written by Stephen Spender. Stephen Spender was greatly admired for his work and was knighted in 1983. He lived in the 20th century and died 22 years after W H Auden in 1995 .The second poem chosen is called Funeral Blues and was written by W H Auden. W H Auden was a greatly respected homosexual poet who lived in the 20th century. He was born in 1907 and died in 1973. W H Audens full name was Wystan Hugh Auden. He wrote Funeral Blues in 1936. In the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough a young boy is being bullied†¦show more content†¦The rhythm in Funeral Blues is a very slow one which emphasises the sadness of the poet whereas in the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough there is a medium pace rhythm which accelerates gradually during the poem and then slows down at the end to a slow pace. Both My parents kept me from children who were rough and Funeral Blues have four lines in every verse but the amount of verses in each poem differ since the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough has only three verses whereas Funeral Blues has four. In the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough all three of the verses are set in the past tense whereas in Funeral Blues three of the verses are talking about the present and only one is talking about the past. The verse, which is referring to something in the past, is the one that talks about the man who died. In the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough lines similar to I feared more than tigers their muscles like iron conjures up an image in ones head of large and very muscular boys. An example of the boys abuse and images, which is stated in the poem, is And who threw world like stones and who wore torn clothes. This line shows us that the boys would use bad language and would dress very badly. The imagery in Funeral Blues is one of a heart broken man who is very sad and depressedShow MoreRelatedPoetry Comparison Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesPoetry Comparison There have been many wars throughout time. Most people learn the facts through: papers, films, books or poems, but I am comparing two similar poems which have different meanings. Wilfred Owen who wrote the poem Dulce et Decorum est or Lord Alfred Tennyson who wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade. They are both based around the theme of war. Lord Alfred Tennyson is pro war and thinks its a good thing to die for your country. His poem was writtenRead MoreComparison Poetry Essay2397 Words   |  10 PagesPoetry Essay Each one of the poems offers a unique view upon love. The first poem by Robert Herrick, To the Virgins to make much of Time, focuses upon the idea of carpe diem. The poem stresses the idea of marriage while love and flesh are still young and believes this gift of virginity to be a great waste if not given while it is still desirable. Marvell also uses the carpe diem theme to his poem ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ however with three certain sections within the poem. The first part elaboratesRead MoreA Comparison of Nature in Romantic Poetry1097 Words   |  5 PagesA Comparison of Nature in Romantic Poetry Wordsworth poetry derives its strength from the passion with which he views nature. Wordsworth has grown tired of the world mankind has created, and turns to nature for contentment. In his poems, Wordsworth associates freedom of emotions with natural things. Each aspect of nature holds a different meaning for Wordsworth. The beauty of morning; silent, bare, excerpt from Composed on Westminster Bridge. A main source of interest for Wordsworth is theRead More Comparison Of Love Poetry: Essay1514 Words   |  7 PagesComparison Of Love Poetry: Rememberby Christina Rossetti, How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and When We Two Parted by Lord Byron The three poems, Remember by Christina Rossetti; How Do I love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and When We Two Parted by Lord Byron, each explore love and loss in their own unique ways. Remember is, as expected from the title, a solemn lament which is a farewell sonnet to her treasured one. How Do I Love Thee? is again a sonnet of love but Read More Welsh Poetry Comparison and Analysis2244 Words   |  9 PagesWelsh Poetry Comparison and Analysis This essay will consider two poems, both written by Welsh authors. The first poem to be discussed will be Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. Following this, the emphasis will progress to Owen Sheers poem, When You Died, where ongoing comparisons between the two poems will be made. The content of this essay will discuss the themes and ideas present in both poems, and the devices and techniques used to illustrate them. One of the distinctRead MoreComparison of Donne and Jennings Poetry1834 Words   |  8 PagesConsider the ways in which Donne and Jennings use form, structure and language to present their thoughts and ideas. You should make relevant references to your wider reading in the poetry of love. The poem the ‘The Anniversary’ By John Donne, is a metaphysical poem about the sun itself growing older each year, this process reminds Donne that him and his lover are closer to their end. The second poem is called ‘One Flesh’, and is written by Elizabeth Jennings. In the course of this poem JenningsRead MoreEssay Comparison of Poetry of a Different Culture1229 Words   |  5 PagesComparison of Poetry of a Different Culture We live in a society where culture and identity are very important. Culture is the distinctive practices and beliefs of a society. Culture is all about where we live, our language, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the celebrations we celebrate and the things we value. Many people who live in poorer countries move over to the bigger cities were there are more jobs and money. Many people end up living in a place they dontRead More A Comparison of the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost1062 Words   |  5 PagesThe Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost The poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost contains similar themes and ideas. Both poets attempt to romanticize nature and both speak of death and loneliness. Although they were more than fifty years apart, these two seem to be kindred spirits, poetically speaking. Both focus on the power of nature, death, and loneliness. The main way in which these two differ is in their differing use of tone. The power of nature is a recurring themeRead MoreRupert Brooke And Ww1 Poetry Comparison790 Words   |  4 PagesWorld War One poets Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen both use poetry to examine their differing perspectives surrounding the idea of heroism in war. Brooke’s The Soldier depicts an idealistic, patriotic view towards fighting for his country, whereas Owen’s Dulce et Decorum est demonstrates a realistic view of the senseless horrors of war. Both poets utilise similar poetic techniques of imagery and sound devices to express their contradictory views of the atrocious events of the greatest war that theRead MoreA Comparison and Contrast Between the Two Poems, Poetry and Modern Poetry890 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"I, too, dislike it: There are things that are important beyond all this fiddle.† Poetry has been around for a long time. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Robin Hood free essay sample

A person who comes up with the certain idea to run the business or one who make efforts to gain the profit to the company is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). Here, Robin Hood plays a role of a CEO. CEO is not the only person who runs the organisation but, there are members get hired who supports to achieve the goals and objectives or vision and mission of the organisation. In this scenario Robin Hood had four main persons who were supporting him by handling various departments such as Finance, HR, Purchasing and the intelligence and they’re a lot of employee who supports him in his business but he was lacking to manage them. With the help from the following chart bifurcation of the members are as follows: Robin Hood (CEO) VISION AND MISSION A person does anything to achieve something in the same manner an organisation that runs the business for a specific target for which they putting their efforts to achieve something which is known as Vision and to achieve the vision at the end of the specific period or one who achieve the goal or objective at the end of the visionary period is known as Mission. For any organisation Vision plays a most important role and mission works simultaneously. Vision of the organisation changes after a certain period depends upon the situation of the market or of the organisation. Vision can be explained and defined in many ways. But, according to Benson Peter and Lansdell Sally vision is to achieve the certain targeted goal and objective in specific years to compete with the market. It is very important that for every person who is in the organisation including the top management of the company should work on the same and specific vision not for his/her personal benefit. Mission can also define and explained in many ways. But, According o Catlin-legutko, and Cinnamon mission is nothing but the final goal or objective achieved by the organisation in such a way that after achieving it everyone should be benefited such as shareholders, investors, employees of the organisation, etc. ROBIN HOOD’S VISION AND MISSION As Robin knew that he has to start thinking of the survival in the business so he started to change in his own behaviour and strategy. His vision and mission was to come over the merchants or the rivals whom so ever comes between in his business so that he can still survive in the market and for his throne. He was starting taking care of his employees and tries to make the people to join him and support him for his organisation. For which he introduce the tactics to steal from the rich and give it poor. But by doing this he would land up with much more enemies. People will stop trusting him and reputation in the market and even in the eyes of the people would be as a thief, that was not so much easy but, he made his efforts by using more different skills and techniques. Robin introduces the method of freight forwarding in which he acted as a middle man, so that his reputation in the market remains consistent. He also became the banker purchasing the goods from them and selling at higher price by the way of tax. He also thought of killing the competitor but that was not so easy for him to do it. It is human behaviour that when they start losing their vision and mission can’t be stable, they thing and utilise different techniques. In short mind flickers with different ideas does not remain constant, the same thing happened with the Robin Hood he thought of different ideas to survive or to exist in the market. For any organisation to achieve the vision or mission the CEO must know the market condition and about the competitors internally and externally so that a company should know where it stands and matches up with the market condition or else they have to work out internally to achieve their specific goal. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH WEAKNESS OF THE ROBIN HOOD ORGANISATION The main strength of the Robin that he had big vision. For which even he had a lot of manpower and can recruit or introduce and even attract people because of his brand image and can use then more into his business. More manpower there will be efficient and motivated sales force. Looking at the manpower and the market condition of the business he can easily scare the competitors. As he had many manpower but he was not able to manage utilise them properly. He was lacking to give them the basic needs such as food. Even he was facing the competition fear from the merchants. OPPORTUNITY THREAT OF THE ROBIN HOOD ORGANISATION Robin main strength was his manpower. With that he can expand his existing business or enter into new business in different places and sector. Opportunity to start carrying the employee their needs and create a carrying image so that they shouldn’t leave him. As every coin has two sides, his manpower was his biggest threat, threat of losing them. Competitors or the rivals can take the benefit of the market because they have the other resources which Robin does not have. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES According to Bromiley Philip strategic objective means that focusing on the larger consumer in the market or facilitating them by providing best of quality product without much more spending on the product. A company should improvise on their product design, productivity or on the production process and the development in the employee so that they can achieve their goal. As in the context with the Robin Hood organisation, he is facing lot of trouble in the business because there were many pot holes which need to sealed by efficient long term strategic planning which could help him at least to cover up with his need which are basic and this will help him to build a relationship with his employees. With this positive behaviour he will also get the support from the employees and he will get his work done as well. If he wants to be successful and want to make his business profitable he has to depend upon the employee. I would suggest following strategic objectives to Mr. Robin Hood they are as follows: As he is the king seats on the throne he must be having lot of land, use that land for cultivation of your own food grains, own animals for farming, fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants, building employee houses, etc facilitate them with everything so that they you get dependent on each other. If the crop grows more than the expectation after giving to your entire employee so you can export and earn more money. This will increase in your profit, market rate, your goodwill you will increase by every side of bit. Their will even increase in the economy rate. It will take time for the above things at least you can start escort services to the employee till the place where they can find their basic needs. Increase your business by purchasing the land of the other area utilising to your own expansion of business. You can also expand by giving freight forwarding services to the company. Giving your manpower on causality basis to the other firm which will help you to build up a business relationship. You can implement new technique in archery and training should be given. This will help Robin Hood not only in the expansion of his business but also build a good strong relationship with in the organisation and sustain balance in the market. MICHAEL PORTER’S GENERIC STRATEGY MODELS Generic strategies means that a company adopts develop and implement a new business strategy to compete in the market with the competitor. Porter recommends this strategy to the bases of the generic strategy which will be the advantage for competitive gains. There are three types of generic strategic according to the Porter: Each type is explained in detail as below: Low Cost According to the Porter Model Company implement the strategy of decreasing the price of the commodity so that consumer can buy their product at a cheaper rate compare to the others company commodity. Consumer feels that same product is been sold at the cheaper rate in comparison to other but, they does not know that this is all business strategy. Company reduces the quality of the product so that their manufacturing cost get reduce and can sell the same product at a cheaper rate to compete in the market with the another company. They use this tactics to become the leader in the market of hat certain product selling at the cheapest rate by decreasing the quality of the product. Differentiation Porter explains in this strategy that a company produces the product with the new idea, concept, features and attractive structure which never introduces in the market. The job of the marketing manager is tougher in this because the manager has to do a lot of proper detailed research in terms of quality, quantity and the price which they need to do business in the larger market. Basically a company as to introduce a dynamic or a unique product which has been never ever implemented in the market. And should be implemented in such a way that they should satisfy the consumer needs and cover the entire large market. Focus Porter describes a special importance of the consumer to the firm. Wherein a firm concentrate and make attraction on a group or on a certain area people with their best of the quality of goods they have produced. Quality of the product plays a very important role in this context. In short, they grap the attention of the consumer by diverting them from the competitor product by giving them a special attention and importance of them in the company. SPECIFIC GENERIC STRATEGY GIVEN TO THE ROBIN HOOD It is very much important for any organisation to satisfy, facilitate and provide best of goods services to them, so that can compete with the other organisation in the market. It takes lot of efforts by the people to use best of their skills and techniques to come with a dynamic product which can replace the competitor products but not the need of the consumers. In the case of Robin Hood the appropriate strategy for them could be the differentiation strategy because this will help him to know the customer’s needs and wants personally. This will help them to increase and change their brand image in the market. His company could be unique if he produces the unique product which replace with the competitor product but not the taste and value in the customer eyes. This will help him to create a goodwill and fame in the market and also profit will increase. Once goodwill is established than his brand name could be enough to increase the business and by this he can expand his business more by investing in the different areas such as freight forwarding. Farming, retail banking and much more. This will also help by creating a strong and trust relationship with the employee. This will create a good strength. OVERALL SUMMARY TO CONCLUDE In the case of Robin Hood he needs to adopt and make changes in his business strategy which he will responsible towards his employee and most importantly towards his consumers. This will help him to increase and create goodwill in the eyes of the people and in the market which will help him to compete with the competitor. Need to have a new and fix vision and mission. Vision and mission which he will adopt should be in such a way that he would rise up with his financial way and become stable in the market. This will help him to come up with his weakness as well can increase his strength.  By creating a ethical business which will help him to create a trust in the eyes of the investors which will him to compete with rivals like Sheriff.