Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparison of Poetry Essay - 967 Words

A Comparison of Poetry In this essay two poems will be juxtaposed. One of the poems is called My parents kept me from children who were rough. This poem was written by Stephen Spender. Stephen Spender was greatly admired for his work and was knighted in 1983. He lived in the 20th century and died 22 years after W H Auden in 1995 .The second poem chosen is called Funeral Blues and was written by W H Auden. W H Auden was a greatly respected homosexual poet who lived in the 20th century. He was born in 1907 and died in 1973. W H Audens full name was Wystan Hugh Auden. He wrote Funeral Blues in 1936. In the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough a young boy is being bullied†¦show more content†¦The rhythm in Funeral Blues is a very slow one which emphasises the sadness of the poet whereas in the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough there is a medium pace rhythm which accelerates gradually during the poem and then slows down at the end to a slow pace. Both My parents kept me from children who were rough and Funeral Blues have four lines in every verse but the amount of verses in each poem differ since the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough has only three verses whereas Funeral Blues has four. In the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough all three of the verses are set in the past tense whereas in Funeral Blues three of the verses are talking about the present and only one is talking about the past. The verse, which is referring to something in the past, is the one that talks about the man who died. In the poem My parents kept me from children who were rough lines similar to I feared more than tigers their muscles like iron conjures up an image in ones head of large and very muscular boys. An example of the boys abuse and images, which is stated in the poem, is And who threw world like stones and who wore torn clothes. This line shows us that the boys would use bad language and would dress very badly. The imagery in Funeral Blues is one of a heart broken man who is very sad and depressedShow MoreRelatedPoetry Comparison Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesPoetry Comparison There have been many wars throughout time. Most people learn the facts through: papers, films, books or poems, but I am comparing two similar poems which have different meanings. Wilfred Owen who wrote the poem Dulce et Decorum est or Lord Alfred Tennyson who wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade. They are both based around the theme of war. Lord Alfred Tennyson is pro war and thinks its a good thing to die for your country. His poem was writtenRead MoreComparison Poetry Essay2397 Words   |  10 PagesPoetry Essay Each one of the poems offers a unique view upon love. The first poem by Robert Herrick, To the Virgins to make much of Time, focuses upon the idea of carpe diem. 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